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LHOHH - [S2, E3]: "What is Grief?"

Writer's picture: Braeden CarterBraeden Carter

The Legendary Housewives of Hidden Hills Season Two stars Eliza Dé’Isnée, Sade Grayson, Megan Kennedy, Janay Price, Adrianna Dakota Ray-Wilder, and Paris Wildwood, while Jean Burruss and Sandra Hudson serve as 'friends of the housewives.' Original cast members, Shamari Devine and Dee Bell make guest appearances throughout the season.


Paris - "This Queen is often imitated, but never intimidated."

Sade - “Adversity may cause some to break, but it made me break records."

Janay - "Test my knowledge, not my patience."

Megan - "My loyalty is to people who never made me question theirs."

Eliza - "The Dame is in town, and SHE is sticking around."

Adrianna - "I may be the most hated, but at least I’m not the clown."


Adrianna Ray-Wilder Solo

[Camera pan to Adrianna's Lawyer's office and gets on the elevator]

[Adrianna walks in]

Adrianna: Hello, I’m here to meet Anthony Brooke

Kim: Right this way [follows her]

Adrianna: Hello Anthony [they hug]

Anthony: Nice to see you again Adrianna. Come in and sit down!

Anthony: Okay I have been in contact with Shad's lawyers and he is asking that he receive full custody of your daughter and that you have her on weekends and holidays.

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: I can't believe Shad think he should get full custody of our daughter. He is really disgusting and wants to play dirty.

Adrianna: Anthony, that's not going to happen. I have gotten reports of how much he has paid me in child support since the time she was born. He has left me text messages and voicemails trying to get back to me and gets upset when I "No!"

Adrianna: [starts to tear up] Anthony, I'm finally in a place where I'm happy, and here comes this dude with his BS.

Anthony: I can assure you that he will not win. We have a good case against him.

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: The enemy will not win this case... So Shad put your fighting gear on sir!


Adrianna and Megan Sitdown

Megan Kennedy Confessional: I'm meeting with Adrianna to discuss some things. It seems that we have some unresolved issues.

Adrianna: Hello Doll!

Adrianna Ray-Wilder Confessional: Now, it's clear as day, Megan just wants an issue with me child. Lord, she doesn't have anything to do.

Megan: So, what's the problem Adri?

Adrianna: It's very clear to me that you just want to have an issue babe. I think you read too deep into things. We have never had an issue babe and when we did I apologize.

Megan: So all of the stuff that happened last year. You don't feel bad about it? You've said hurtful things to my friends and Diddy being a friend to me like Paris, I don't think he was himself last year. He told me more about what happen with your relationship with him.

Adrianna: So this is only about what your friends think and not yourself?


Megan Kennedy Confessional: This girl's brain really not clicking!

Adrianna: And that's your issue? You sound stupid Megan. Plan your wedding and be happy with that.

Megan: I am happy bitch. You can barely keep a man, you have three baby daddies! Nothing but a slut. And you are a bad mother, always worrying about a man instead your kids.

Adrianna: My kids are with me, babe! This is why I can't f**k with you.

Megan: Your own family sees you as a disappointment. You'll never amount to anything, you have no talent, fuck Deontay for marrying your stupid ass.

Adrianna: Don't come for my family bitch! My husband is a real man, something that Tyler could never be.

Megan: Bitch, go to hell! That's Diddy drop your cheating ass. Tyler is a better man than all of the ones you dated or f**ked!

Adrianna: [gets up] It's fine, I got your number bitch. Stop selling drugs to the kids at the school!

Megan: F**k you bitch!

Megan Kennedy Confessional: Oh so she really wanna go that low? That's fine Adrianna, I'll remember what you said. Funky bitch!!!


Megan Kickball Event

[Camera pans kickball field]

Megan Kennedy Confessional: I invited the girls to have a laid-back day and play some kickball. Personally, I am tired of stuffy events.

[Megan gets out of the car and heads to the field]

[Diamond and Adrianna arrive simultaneously]

Adrianna: Diamond!!!!

Diamond: [hugs Adrianna] How are you?!

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: I wasn’t going to come, but I had to come so my girl Diamond wouldn’t be alone around these funny-looking bitches.

Adrianna: It is, you look, good girl.

[Camera pans to Sade and Megan walking towards the field]

Megan: You look cute and comfy.

Sade: Thanks babe, so do you!

Megan: You good after the other day? You seemed really upset.

Sade: I don’t want to talk about it. But I’m good.

[They walk on field and walk towards Adrianna and Diamond]

Adrianna: Hey Sade girl.

Sade: Hey Adrianna.

Diamond: Hey Sade, I'm Diamond!

Sade: [looks over] Hey Diamond. Are you Adrianna’s friend?

Adrianna: Yes, Diamond is my best friend.

Sade: Interesting. So Diamond, are you from The Hills or LA?

Diamond: I was born in Manhattan, but I've been traveling all my life, recently I settled here to just have a break from the fast life.

Sade: Oh a fellow New Yorker! Well, welcome to Cali!

Diamond: [smiles] Thank you!

Adrianna: Is there any water? I’m thirsty.

Megan: Aren’t you always?

Adrianna: Megan please bitch. You fucking Queen Pin.

[Sade and Diamond’s eyes widen]

Megan: If I was, it’s better than being the wife of a child molester.

Adrianna: As I said before, you are a bottom bitch and you don’t have a genuine beef with me. You’re just far up your friend’s ass.

Sade: I thought we came here to play kickball [screws face up].

Megan: She better hope I don’t kick the ball up her ass.

[Adrianna and Diamond walk a few feet away to grab water]

Diamond: Girl wow. Megan doesn't hold back...we just started and she immediately goes in.

Adrianna: You see what I deal with?

[Sandra runs on the field]

Sandra: Let’s play ball ladies!

[Jean walks on the field]

Megan: This bitch cannot be serious.

Sandra: Jean, are you cold?

Sade Grayson Confessional: We’re in California, it’s hot as satan’s BALLS. And Jean’s got on a fur coat. Oh and the boots… for kickball? Bitch I guess.

Sade: [laughs] Jean you look a mess.

Jean: Sade shut up you fat ass bitch. You must be obsessed with me.

[Adrianna and Diamond look at each other trying to hold their laughs in]

Sade: And you must be a crackhead, dressed like that in 90° weather. [picks up ball and holds it to waist]

Adrianna Ray-Wilder Confessional: If Sade throw’s that ball…[laughs]

Jean: I didn’t come here to argue with this fat bitch, let’s play.

Megan: Yes ladies, let’s play. Sade and Sandra you can be on my team.

[Everyone starts to take their places on the field]

[Paris and Janay arrive and start walking on field]

Paris: Wait for me bitches!

Megan: Paris! Thank you for coming, come you’ll be on my team.

Paris: Perfect, what about teacup? -points to Janay-

Megan: Not teacup bitch [laughs]

Janay: Watch it skeleton.

[Jean walks to base and kicks ball]

Sade: [catches and throws the ball add Jean’s head] Should’ve worn sneakers bitch!

Diamond: Oh my God!

Paris: [looks at Diamond confused]

Paris Wildwood Confessional: I swear there’s someone new hanging around us every day, who is this girl?

Jean: Sade, your whale of a husband must be cheating again. Why are you coming for me?

Sade: Girl, speak less about my husband and more about your own tea.

Adrianna: Oop! What’s tea?

Megan: [picks up ball] Forget tea, I want to play!

Paris: Hold on Megan girl, let her spill first.

Jean: There’s nothing to spill. Sade is a fat ass liar.

Janay: Ignore her auntie.

Sade: Auntie huh? I would ask if she’s your real aunt but I know she’s not and I wouldn’t want you walking away again.

Janay: You knew Dee was my blood cousin you husky bitch, stop playing dumb.

Sade: Well if Dee is your blood cousin, your allegiance should be to her. Since your play aunt snitched

on her and is the reason she’s rotting in jail right now.

Janay: Auntie Jean wouldn’t do that.

Paris: Not Auntie, well you all look the same age.

Sandra: Now I may not fuck with Janay, but don’t tell that lie Paris! Jean looks very old.

[Paris fake laughs at Sandra]

Jean: Sade you are a liar! I would never do that to Dee.

Janay: Plus, l who are y’all to believe?

Sade: [takes out phone and shows picture of Jean] Here she is leaving the precinct, wearing that same ugly ass coat she has on now.

[Picture flashes across the screen]

Megan: [puts ball down] Chile I guess this game is over.

Paris: [looks at picture] Oh wow, this doesn’t look too good. Are we sure this isn’t the plastic surgeon’s office? Maybe she was filing a lawsuit for that botched job.

Sade Grayson Confessional: [holds up a “Stop Snitching — Free Dee” sign]

[Sandra giggles]

Janay Price Confessional: Megan, Paris, and Sade are known to be messy. Dee warned me about them. I don’t believe a word they’re saying.

Jean: Sade go do some more lines and leave me alone. You are miserable and a fat ass liar!

[Janay stands next to Jean]

Sade: Let’s not talk about lies. Bitch you lied about bleaching your skin.

Janay: [looks at Sade] Are you shaming her for having work done?

Sade: I’m shaming her for lying and changing her skin tone.

Janay: Whatever it is, y’all need to stop body shaming

Jean: Especially because I look better than the obese three!

Megan: Wait a minute Jean, let’s not get crazy.

Sade: The fur is probably causing her to be overheated and delusional.

Jean: I feel fine bitch, I’m not hot at all.

Sandra: Jean you might wanna see a doctor, maybe you’re anemic.

Jean: Sandra you might want to see a doctor about that unfortunate face and body.

Sandra: Jean don’t start with me 'cause I’ll go ahead and forget the heat and the stroke and just knock your ugly ass out.

Jean: Your fat ass can’t swing once without getting out of breath so I doubt that.

Sandra: Listen here you old bitch, take your Geritol and pudding cup and leave me the fuck alone. I’m just tryna look out for your black ass so you don’t have a heat stroke.

Jean: Old? We’re the same age. Shall I use your Geritol?

Sandra: I can’t tell. You look old enough to be Harriet Tubman’s grandmother.

Megan Kennedy Confessional: How about, both of these bitches are fat and ugly?

Megan: It honestly doesn’t matter if Jean snitched. At least she’s not a criminal like Adrianna’s pimp.

Adrianna: Megan you are really going down the wrong road bitch.

Megan: Oh no, this is the exact road I want to go down honey.

Adrianna: Well you not going to bully me bitch.

Megan: Bully you with your truth?

Adrianna: Bitch you the one who had to go make fake documents!

Megan: [laughs] FAKE? Girl, you are a liar, I can’t!

Adrianna: Diamond, can you grab my fanny pack on the bench?

[Everyone looks as Diamond grabs Adrianna’s bag and walks back]

Adrianna: I want to expose the real Megan!

Megan: There’s nothing to expose babe.

Adrianna: Oh, there isn’t?

Janay: Just say it, friend.

Adrianna: So, the reason why Megan got fired is that she was giving out drugs to the kids.

Paris: Bitch what?

Megan: [lunges at Adrianna] YOU LYING ASS BITCH!

Sade: [Holds Megan back] Stop!

Adrianna: Lying for what? [grabs paper out of fanny pack]

Janay: [picks it up] Now this is how you present evidence.

Megan: Fuck Adrianna and her fake ass evidence!

Adrianna: Are you upset?! I win! [starts walking up to Megan]

Sade: Adrianna back the fuck up! Megan, let's go. [starts pushing Megan off the field]

Janay: [reading document] It says she’s an alcoholic and addict… lawd! [fake passes out]

Adrianna: Your life is gone bitch!

[Scene ends with Adrianna’s sinister laugh]


Sade Grayson Solo

Sade: Trina pleeeeeease take my time away as your time away. I told you not to come today!

Katrina: Girl, BYE! I know you’re overwhelmed, I had to help. And best believe me and Jason will be jetting to Vegas while you’re gone.

Sade: -laughs- I know that’s right. -holds up sandals- What you think about these?

Katrina: -grabs them and puts them on her feet- I think they look better on me.

Sade: Uhn uhn! -slaps her arm- [Corey walks in]

Corey: Y’all be laughing like hyenas. Sade: And you snore like a bear!

Sade Grayson Confessional: Even though it’s been rough, I have to say our support system is amazing. Corey and I are blessed, even in this storm.

Corey: Camille said she won’t be able to fly in until the day after tomorrow.

Sade: Aw damn. Well, you can manage mom and the twins until she gets here.

Corey: Nah that’s light work. I just need Camille here just in case you call me and say one of them girls bothering you. Because I’ll be on my way to Lake Tahoe.

Katrina: Okay? Cause those bitches are trying it.

Sade: Babe, it’s okay. I can handle my own.

Corey: At this point, it’s better for you than me. But I don’t know how much more I can take. [Sade sighs]

Katrina: Don’t worry Corey 'cause you know she can’t keep anything from me. And if I hear anything, I’ll call you and we ALL will be on our way.

Corey: Shit, even Mom Dukes!

Sade: Bye! Can we go get some food?!

[Scene fades as they walk out of the closet]


Megan Kennedy Solo

[Camera pans to outside of car]

[Calls Sade]

Sade: Hey beautiful!

Megan: Hey baby, what you doing?

Sade: Just a little this and a little that. [chuckles] What you up to?

Megan: Just sitting up here at this Tesla charging spot, but I was calling you cause I need an opinion girl

Sade: Oh ok let me walk away [Sade turns off TV] What’s up baby?

Megan: So Tyler… he’s staying at a hotel..

Sade: What! Why?

Megan: We really got into it cause the other day. We were looking for a house and then he turns the lady down on the offer it’s like we have to move In the next month or 2! It’s like he’s not taking anything seriously.

Sade: Girl just let me tell you this… y'all have moved kinda fast and it’s never easy when you are putting both of your lives together. I mean y’all are about to get married and about to move in with each other you guys have to learn to fight, but not break each other

Megan: Yeah, but I don’t know...

Sade: Just call him and makeup, maybe have some good makeup sex. [laughs]

Megan: [laughs]

Sade: Then call me back and tell me everything [chuckles]

Megan: Okay baby, I’ll call you later.


Celebration of Eliza's Husband: Michael De'Isnee

Eliza De'Isnee Confessional: Today is going to be the hardest day of my life… We are officially saying goodbye to the love of a thousand lifetimes, my dearest Michael. I just hope that having the ladies here with me today will help to lighten the weight off my chest.

[The Graysons walk in]

Eliza: [hugs Sade] Darling thank you so much for being here. And for agreeing to speak about Michael. You know how much you and the Graysons meant to him.

Sade: I love you, of course. [rubs Eliza’s back]

[Adrianna enters]

Eliza: Adrianna thank you for coming. I know you didn’t know Michael that well, but I know he would’ve been so happy to have you here.

Adrianna: You’re welcome honey.

Eliza: Have any of you heard from the other ladies? I extended an invitation to everyone. Well… almost everyone.

Adrianna: I know Janay said she might coming.

[Paris and Megan enter]

Megan: Hello Eliza. I brought you some flowers.

Eliza: Megan that’s so sweet of you. Thank you, dear.

Paris: Hello Eliza, I am so sorry for your loss.

Eliza: Paris. I’m so happy you could make it. I’m glad we can put everything aside at the end of the day. Michael really did like you.

Eliza De’Isnee Confessional:

Producer: So why didn’t you invite Sandra?

Eliza: Who’s she?

Eliza: Here’s the champagne bar ladies. Enjoy! Megan, can I talk to you for a second?

Megan: Sure thing!

Eliza: Megan, dear. I just wanted to thank you again for your gift. It was extremely thoughtful. However, the roses are far too extravagant. Gorgeous, but inappropriate.

Megan: Well, I’ll take them back to the store if you don’t like them I was just trying to be nice.

Eliza: Oh no, that’s not necessary Roberto’s already putting them on ice. But please think next time.

Megan Kennedy Confessional: The dame is so ungrateful.

Sade: [elbows Megan] Don’t do it!

Megan: Okay Eliza, my apologies. [walks away]

Sade: The flowers were a little festive Chile.

Megan: She is never satisfied with anything.

Paris: Megan next time just send her some dead flowers. Fitting for the occasion.

[Corey chokes on his drink]

[Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston plays]

Eliza: [starts to sob] Oh god that was our song!

Sade: [walks over to Eliza]

Eliza: I wish he was still here.

Adrianna: [gives Eliza a tissue]

Sade Grayson Confessional:

Producer Peaches: Was the wake different than what you expected?

Sade: Unorthodox to say the least. But, it is Eliza now, she’s a little crazy!

Eliza: [gets a text from the Bishop]

Bishop Text Message: “In traffic. Start without me.”

Eliza: Good God! Y’all the bishop just told me to start without him… Sade, you’re ordained, right?

Sade: Ummmm [widens eyes]

Eliza: Would you like to give the speech and then lead us in prayer?

Sade: Sure.

Eliza: Thank you, sister.

Megan: [mic] This is a hot mess of a service.

[Sade walks to the podium and microphone]

Sade: [sings “When We All Get to Heaven”] When we aallll get to heavennnnn—

[The ladies and the attendees clap]

[Eliza sobs]

Sade: Bless the Lord… Well, Hallelujah…

[Sade opens the book]

Sade: 2 CORINTHIANS 5:8 reads, “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.” We thank and praise God for the life Michael lived. He was a devoted husband, caring father, loving son, dependable brother, and beautiful friend. Michael, we will miss you. But I know you are finally at peace. I hope you rest knowing you left giddy footprints here on earth. You will never be forgotten. -tear falls- We, therefore, commit this body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life!

Eliza: Yes God. Sade that was beautiful.

[Eliza walks to the podium and microphone]

Eliza: My Husband…[starts to sob] …is gone. I’ve been repeating those words all week. They still don’t seem real. My husband was everything to me. He will always be everything to me. He is my sadness and my hope, but mostly he’s my love. Michael used to love watching those comic book movies with our son. Jeremiah. I always thought they were tacky. However, I agreed to finally watch one with him.

[Jeremiah's tears fall from his eyes]

Eliza: I finally watched a comic book movie with him. And one of the characters said something that will stick with me forever. “What is grief if not love, persevering?”

Eliza: My darling Michael. The kindest, the brightest, the biggest. I will never know love like yours again. Say hello to my gramps for me.

[Sade walks to Eliza as she cries]

Megan: Eliza, could I sing a little song?

Sade: Shut up Megan, you can’t sing!

Megan: [singing] AMAZINGGGGGG! GRRAAACCCEEEEE! How sweet the sound.

[The quartet plays... Everyone joins in]

Eliza: Thank you all so much.

[Benediction starts]

[Bugle boy comes out to plays “Taps”]

Eliza: In honor of Michael’s favorite bird.

[Eliza releases dove]

Megan: Beautiful.

Eliza: Sade. Thank you for your help and support with everything.

Sade: No problem my love. I’ll pass on the champagne.

[Eliza walks away from the group]

Adrianna: Where is Eliza going?

Sade: I don’t know, but I’ll wait.

Eliza De’Isnee Confessional: It’s not a true De’Isnee event without a costume change, darling!

[Eliza returns with a different outfit]

Eliza: Thank you all so much for being here! Michael would have adored this party. And if anyone was wondering, because I know you were. This is Alex Perry $3,200.

Megan: I hope you’ll be all right, Eliza. [hugs Eliza}

Eliza: Thank you for coming, darling. Oh and don’t forget what I said about the flowers! Food for thought.

Megan: Sure thing! [makes face and leaves]

Sade: [hugs Eliza] Do you want Jeremiah to come with us? You know the twins are at the house. He won’t be the only youngin there.

Eliza: No that’s okay, we need to spend some time together. He’s all I’ve got now… But thank you so much for all that you do.

Sade: I know. Well, you both can always stop by. I’m here if you need anything.

Eliza: I couldn’t have done this day without you. Love you, sis. [hugs Sade]

Corey: [hugs Eliza] Stay strong sis.

Sade: Love you too babe [Sade and Corey walks to the car]

Jeremiah: Mom? What do I do with all of this champagne?

Eliza: Send it to Paris, she needs to stay hydrated.

[Scene ends with Jeremiah and Eliza laughing]




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