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LHOHH - [S2, E9]: "Leaving Hell for Wedding Bells"

Writer's picture: Braeden CarterBraeden Carter

Updated: Apr 4, 2023

The Legendary Housewives of Hidden Hills Season Two stars Eliza Dé’Isnée, Sade Grayson, Megan Kennedy, Janay Price, Adrianna Dakota Ray-Wilder, and Paris Wildwood, while Jean Burruss and Sandra Hudson serve as 'friends of the housewives.' Original cast member, Dee Bell makes guest appearances throughout the season.


Paris - "This Queen is often imitated, but never intimidated."

Sade - “Adversity may cause some to break, but it made me break records."

Janay - "Test my knowledge, not my patience."

Megan - "My loyalty is to people who never made me question theirs."

Eliza - "The Dame is in town, and SHE is sticking around."

Adrianna - "I may be the most hated, but keep things interesting."


Sultry Dinner (...Continued)

Janay: Adrianna, don’t pay attention to her. She can’t even birth her baby.

Adrianna: A test tube baby to be exact.

Sade: Adrianna you need to stop, seriously! And Janay let’s hope you can have kids one day.

Paris: My pussy, my pussy, my pussy. Go wash yours.

Adrianna: It’s tiring sis! It’s dry like your pussy!

Sade: Your pussy must not be worth shit either. Look at how many men fucked you and left you for dead.

Adrianna: I can have kids and carry them full term. Can you?

Sade: Don't one of your kids have special needs, Adrianna?

Paris: Adrianna, I don’t know who the fuck you think you’re talking to. Your slow-ass child can’t read or write at her big ugly-ass age. Big ass cookie twists plait up in that retarded bitch head.

Adrianna: It’s the fact that neither one of y’all have kids and loves to talk.

Sade: Yes. Drag us for something out of our control bitch.

Adrianna: You what! I’m done here! Fuck you bitches and good night! [She walks out]

[Scene ends as Sade and Paris continue to have fun]


Underwater Breakfast

Sade Grayson Confessional: This trip hasn’t been nearly as relaxing as I imagined it would be. [flashback to everyone arguing] But you know what? I’m glad Corey is here because we have had our moments away from the group. And those were peaceful. We truly needed this break. We’ve had a hell of a year.

Sade Confessional: Today the fellas want some time away from us. So they’re going golfing while we grab breakfast. Hopefully, Dom behaves chile. [sips water]

[Sade and Paris walk in]

Paris: Yes hat!!

Sade: Great minds baby!

Paris: And is! [Hugs her] Honey, I am so exhausted after that huge blow-up the other night at dinner. These bitches really know how to work a nerve.

Sade: Seriously, I wanted us to have fun. They wanted to fuck it up with their lies and negativity.

[Eliza pops up]

Eliza: Hey girly pop!

Sade: Hey my baby!

Eliza: Girl, you would not believe what happened last night with me and Dom.

Sade Grayson Confessional: I put nothing past Dom.

Sade: What happened!?

Eliza: We were fighting and arguing over what happened at the restaurant last night and then he proceeded to rip my clothes off of me. Girl… It was the hottest sex I’ve ever had.

Eliza: Emphasis on HOT! Like warm. Like the AC busted because he slammed my head into it.

Sade: [jaw drops] Girl What?

Eliza: Girl… That man is a mess. But the best sex ever

[Janay walks in]

Eliza: Speaking of mess! Hey girl!

Janay: Hello Ladies… and gentlemen [looks at Eliza].

Eliza De’Isnee Confessional: At least my dick is bigger than her IQ…

Paris Wildwood Confessional: This bitch wakes up trying to ‘read’ someone. Just sit down little girl, before we turn your card to red.

Janay Price Confessional: These bitches are bothered by my presence [laughs].

[Sandra walks in]

Eliza: Cum rag! We missed you!

Paris: Sandra girl? This is a breakfast, not the club.

Sandra: Dennis thought it looked cute.

Sade: Well Dennis told you a lie.

[Adrianna walks in]

Paris: [looks at Adrianna] Why are all these girls in strip club outfits for breakfast?

Sade: All right ladies follow me inside…

[Camera pans around the walkway and restaurant]

Adrianna: This is beautiful!

[The ladies all sit at the table]

Janay: I’m ready for the mimosas [giggles]

Paris: Girl this is about to get real.

Sade: I want some shots… But are we behaving today? [looks around at everybody]

Janay: I hope we are today [giggles]

Adrianna: We shall see.

Janay: I’m enjoying the trip a lot, Sade. I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

Janay Price Confessional: Sade ain’t so bad after all, I mean she could be worse. Like Paris.

Eliza De’Isnee Confessional: I’m not going to lie, my head is still spinning after last night. I don’t know how Sade is still standing, let alone Sandra’s cummy ass.

Eliza: Everyone I think we should do a toast to Sade.

[The waiter passes out shots]

Eliza: To the best host we’ve ever had! Cheers!!

Sade: Thank you Liza honey!

Sade: Well you all can thank me by agreeing to come to a restoration. [forces smiles]

Paris: Restoration? Yeah… So what’s the point of all this? These bitches are Satan’s henchmen there is no restoring them.

Janay: From Satan’s main bitch herself.

Adrianna: Lord.

Eliza: Oop [sips mimosa]

Sandra: Uh Uh!

Sade: I just want the group to be able to come together without imploding every time.

Paris Wildwood Confessional: You can’t restore common sense and decorum. You either have it or you don’t, and these bitches don’t have it.

[Janay sips mimosa]

Janay: I’m here for the sisterhood.

Paris: I’m fine without imploding, but I will not tolerate being lied on blatantly.

Sade: I agree Paris, I’m not either. But we can at least try. If it doesn’t work, then hey!

[The fruit comes out]

Sandra: Oooh, lemme get a plate full.

Eliza: [whispers] Girl you're too big to be eating all of that!

Paris: These pineapples are so sweet and fresh!

Janay: [eats pineapple and makes fake] Oh this is tart.

Janay Price Confessional: She’s white. Of course, she thinks it has flavor.

Paris Wildwood Confessional: Maybe you forgot to brush your tongue this morning? I don’t taste any tartness.

Sade Grayson Confessional: Only thing tart is that PUSSY! That’s why Topanga left and ran back to Compton.

Eliza: So ladies, what do you think of Dom so far?

Adrianna: Do you really want us to tell you?

Eliza: No tell me. You ladies are my friends. And I want everyone’s opinions. Before I take things too far.

Paris: Dom is a creep.

Eliza: Thank you Paris.

Adrianna: For once, I agree with Paris.

Paris: He was staring at my ass all last night. I thought he was gay anyway, so that threw me off.

Janay: What ass? [confused]

Paris: Thirsty? Drink that mimosa boo.

Eliza: Well Paris, he f**ked me into the AC unit last night.

[Sandra vigorously drinks watermelon juice]

Paris: Sandra go clean that watermelon juice off the side of that mouth,

Sade: Oh Sandra. So thirsty.

Sandra: Paris why are you so worried? I’m drinking a watermelon drink, you’re the one looking for a moment.

Paris: What are you even saying bitch? You are so thirsty.

Sandra: I’m saying you need to mind your damn business bitch.

Paris: Take your fake Canal street cloth and put on an apron. I’ll be tipping 20% today. Maid ass bitch. You started with me,

Adrianna: Not maid.

Paris: [talking to waiter] Can we get her a job here?

Sandra: [gets up] I don’t need to deal with this.

Adrianna: Not she leaving.

Eliza: Oh thank god!

Janay: So what else do we have planned besides the restoration?

Sade: Before restoration, there’s time for the spa for those who want to go independently. I have a business call so I won’t be able to join.

Sade: But we will have dinner tonight.

Eliza De’Isnee Confessional: Now I know she’s not going to leave me to fend for myself, with these bitches…

[Sandra returns]

Sade: Oh she’s back!

Sandra: Paris, I almost forgot to say, I have celebrity cases to deal with. I don’t need this.

Paris: Girl you don’t have any celebrity cases please stop. A lawyer is out Hera acting like this??

Eliza: Not the cumrag attorney.

Sandra: I have multiples business, which includes a makeup line.

Janay: I thought you sold lipliner.

Eliza: So that’s why she can’t win a case.

Paris: Girl I’ve never heard of you. What celebrities are you representing and how much money have you lost them?

Sandra: Paris, bitch, I have businesses and I passed the bar twelve years ago.

Paris: A makeup line business? Girl, you are all over the place.

Eliza: You might have been drinking at the bar for twelve years.

Sade Grayson Confessional: I think she and Megan went to law school together.

Eliza De’Isnee Confessional: You know good ole Megan was a secret shopper of Sandy Cheek Cosmetics!

Sade: Well Sandra kudos to you.

Eliza: It’s a makeup line y’all… she made it up.

Janay Price Confessional: Sandra is a door-to-door saleswoman. She used to sell Tupperware but found some cheap eyeshadow on Ali Express.

Paris Wildwood Confessional: Does this bitch have a lisp? Is she trying to say, she’s a lawyer or a liar? I think the latter is more accurate.

Janay: Sandra you are one of a kind [laughs]

Sandra: I’ll bring some makeup samples of Sandra’s Beauty for you Paris.

Paris: Okay, I will be applying your Cum Concealer. Then I’m going to go with a little lipstick in the shade of Liar.

Sandra: [waiter brings lobster] Here you go Paris, you can use a meal to put some meat on your bones.

Paris: I will. I’ll get you a fruit platter so you can get to my size one day.

[Scene ends as everyone laughs at Sandra]



[Camera pans across the island]

Derifa: Hello everybody, my name is Derifa. That means graceful. I will be your spiritual leader. Nice to meet all of you.

[Paris, Adrianna, and Janay outfits]

[Corey takes picture of Sade]

Adrianna: Hello girls.

Janay: Hey girl. You look comfortable.

Adrianna: Yes, I didn’t feel like getting too cute.

Janay: We unlike some, don’t have to try. [looks confused] I didn’t know this was a bathing suit event. I tried to be wholesome.

Sade: Well you be wholesome in your sweater dress. It’s 90 degrees.

Janay: It’s thin and not a sweater [smiles and tilts head]

[Eliza and Dom arrives]

Eliza: Hello ladies.

Dom: Ayyy

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: Eliza looks the best she ever has… [claps]


Derifa: Oh my.

Derifa: Okay everybody once again, welcome. My name is Derifa. Please follow me.

Janay: Hello Defray.

[The ladies walk down the trail]

Eliza Dé’Isnée Confessional: Janay’s adolescent brain is so ignorant. Call this woman by her name!

[Eliza trips over a tree root]

Adrianna: Look a snake!

Janay: Ahhhh! [runs to the front of the group] I don’t do serpents.

[The ladies arrive to the spot]

Derifa: Okay ladies, we will settle here. Settle down.

[The ladies sit in their perspective spots]

Derifa: Repeat after me: I am leaving it here with God

[All of the ladies repeat “I am leaving it here with God”]

[Derifa starts to chant]

Derifa: [points to Janay] People underestimate you.

[Paris looks intensely]

Eliza: [under my breath] Well she’s underaged.

Janay: Oop. [taken aback] Thank you [she bows].

Derifa: [looks at Janay] Even in this group… you are fighting to be respected. But it’s also rooted at home.

Janay Price Confessional: My home is good, girl. [sips] Dear don’t know me.

Derifa: [looks at Eliza] You will never properly heal when you are in a rush.

Paris: [mumbles] Coke does wonders doesn’t it?

Janay: [whispers] Ain’t Eliza on that stuff?

Eliza: I know. [Eliza starts to tear up]

Derifa: Take care of yourself, it will take time. Do not subject yourself to lesser.

Eliza: [wipes tears away] I will.

[Derifa walks in a circle around Adrianna]

Derifa: Adrianna, somebody is with you.

[Adrianna looks at the ground]

Derifa: They are concerned and wondering if you are truly happy. They feel a lot of weight, therefore they are afraid to leave you alone.

[Derifa takes water and anoints Adrianna’s head]

[Adrianna falls back and looks down]

Janay Price Confessional: Is she a healer, pastor, or clairvoyant?

[Derifa walks over to Paris and touches her stomach and starts chanting] You will be healed in the natural and in spirit. You will birth many things. Do not be afraid to let. You can do this.

Paris: [tears up] Wow.

Derifa: To Ms. Sandra. The people in your life, will not be here much longer. You have a bigger destiny than you are walking in.

Paris Wildwood Confessional: Hopefully that means Sandra won’t be a part of the group.

Derifa: [looks at Corey] You are so strong. Too strong. Have you stopped moving and dealt with it? Or are you avoiding it?

Corey: [tears fall down] I need a minute… [He gets up and walks away as Derifa follows]

Janay: Wow.

Paris: [tears up] Corey.

Sade: I guess now is the time I open up.

Sade: Corey’s mom almost died last year. And it’s been … a lot. We decided it was best that she moves in with us. And although it’s getting better, it’s just not easy. And I’ve been a little sheltered about it because… I simply don’t trust y’all [starts tearing up].

[Adrianna gives Sade tissues as Paris rubs Sade back]

Sade: Some of you have tried to tear down our family. For nothing. Accusing him of cheating when we were literally at home having to feed his mother her meals because she was immobile.

Janay: Aw, I’m sorry you had to deal with that.

Paris: Exactly. You never know what a person is going through.

Sade: I want to say Fuck you. Kiss my ass. Go to hell, even. But… I’ll leave all that here with God. Everybody here is going through something. Clearly. Let’s just try our best to respect each other going forward.

Eliza: Period Sade.

Paris: Period sister.

Janay Price Confessional: I mean… I never knew what her mama-in-law was going through. Maybe when you are going through stuff, you shouldn’t talk badly to others. And Vice versa. [shrugs]

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: I’m praying for Sade and her family.

Sade: To commemorate our stay here, we will each be planting a tree. Trees are used to represent life and growth, I hope each of you can grow from this experience.

Janay: Yes.

Paris: Some of these ladies need a forest.

[Scene ends as they plant trees with Maldives natives]


Maldives Final Dinner

[Camera pans around restaurant]

[Sade, Paris, and Eliza all walk in with Corey, Charles, & Dom]

Eliza: [arguing with Dom] Hey girly.

Dom: Hey Sade.

Paris: [looks Eliza] Hello Mariah Not Carey

[Adrianna and Janay]

Adrianna: Hello ladies.

[Eliza looks at Janay]

Eliza Dé’Isnée Confessional: I didn’t know Sade knew Ray Charles.

Paris: Well Janay you look half-dressed.

Janay: And you look half dead.

Adrianna: Where are the real drinks?

Sade: AA is in some of y’all futures [sips champagne]

[Sandra sneaks in]

Janay: Sandra, why are you sneaking in like you ain’t going to pay? Sade covering your meal.

Sandra: Janay, I can afford to pay for my meal.

Paris: Are you going to pay for anything else?

Sade: Excuse me, waiter, can you get the hood rat a gallon of Hennessy? [points to Adrianna]

Adrianna: Not a gallon.

Sandra: Oh my.

Sade: You look parched.

Adrianna: Thank you Sade, I was thirsty.

[Eliza sniffs the air]

Eliza: Ew… Sandra will you close your legs… Please? It’s bad for my sinuses.

Paris: Is it the shrimp or is it her pussy?

Eliza: Maybe it’s Maybelline.

Paris: Seems like you need a vaginal wipe, Sandra.

[Kabob comes outs]

[Adrianna and Janay grab food]

[Eliza reaches for Dom’s kabob]

Dom: Uh Uh girl! Ask first! [slaps her hand]

[Corey grabs Dom’s collar]

Corey: YOU GOTTA RELAX! Don’t put your hands on no woman.

Eliza: Corey it’s okay. I promise.

Eliza Dé’Isnée Confessional: F**k Corey. I’ll beat his ass myself!

Sade: All right ladies, Well I would like to thank you all for coming.

Janay: It was a fun time. I just wish Tasha stayed.

Sade: I wish too. She seemed nice.

Sandra: For a whore… like Eliza’s son.

Janay: Sandra, you and your belly need to mind your own business.

Eliza: Sandra. Don’t ever speak on my child.

Eliza: You need to pray to God to clean the stank out of your sewer. Tampons are half off in Hidden Hills.

Sandra: Your son is at home grieving his dad and you are playing house with a man.

Eliza: Don’t you dare speak on my child you raggedy cum-stained heifer.

Janay Price Confessional: No one respects Sandra. Who is she to respect?

Adrianna: Sandra… shut your fat ass up. You always put your ass into something.


Eliza: Ladies, can I have your attention for a moment?

Janay: What girl?

Eliza: I just wanted to take a moment to toast to our hostess with the mostest! To the Graysons! But most importantly, Sade! Cheers!

Sade: Thank you Eliza, I love you! [hugs]

Janay: Cheers! Girls! Not you Sandra!

[Scene ends as they all laugh]


Sade Grayson Solo

[Camera pans to the Graysons' Estate]

[Twins walk in]

Crystal: Hey ShaSha!

Sade: [turns around] Hey babies!

[they hug each other]

Sade: How was the studio?

Garcelle: I had so much fun writing, can we do more of that pleeeease?

Chloe: Yes, that was the best studio session ever.

Sade Grayson Confessional: The twins have been through a lot. They truly needed an outlet, and music has been great therapy.

Sade: Of course. Whatever you girls want to do is fine with me. I can’t wait to hear what you did, I’m proud of you two.

Crystal: [hugs Sade] Thank you Sha Sha.

[Corey’s mom walks in and leans over the couch]

Mama Grayson: Hello young ladies.

Sade Grayson Confessional: Here comes trouble.

Mama Grayson: How was the studio?

Crystal: Soooo much fun!

Mama Grayson: That’s wonderful. You mind if I talk to Sade alone for a minute?

Garcelle: Of course!

Crystal: Goodnight Sha Sha, goodnight Mama G!

Sade: Goodnight, love you, girls.

Twins: Love you too! [they walk out]

Mama Grayson: Sha Sha, huh? -laughs-

Sade: [laughs] I think it’s cute.

Mama Grayson: It is. I love the relationship you have with them.

Sade: [smiles] So do I.

Mama Grayson: I want to apologize for how I’ve treated you these last few months, baby.

Sade Grayson Confessional: WHAT!?

Mama Grayson: Sade I love you like you were my daughter. So yes maybe sometimes I get a little too candid and talk to you as if you’re Camille or Clarissa.

Sade: [nods head] Okay...

Mama Grayson: You have handled the turmoil in ways I’m not sure I could have. That’s strength. And I want to thank you for not treating me how I deserved to be treated. I want us to heal.

Sade: I would like for that to happen too.

Mama Grayson: Seeing how you care for those girls as if they’re yours is commendable. And I was wrong for calling you selfish. I’m truly sorry.

Sade: [sheds a tear]I forgive you. But I want you to know if I could — I would -starts choking up-

Mama Grayson: [hugs her tight] Shhh I know baby. I know. [releases from the hug and looks at Sade] Hey, if it’s in God’s will, it will happen. On His timing. [starts tearing up]

[Scene ends as they embrace each other]


Paris Wildwood Solo

[Camera pans to Paris' House]

Charles: So how was the trip? Was it a little more bonding time for us?

Paris: Well I felt like I did more fighting with the girls than us bonding but you know how that goes.

Charles: Well I just want to say I love you.

Paris: I love you too, babe. But I feel like we still have to address this whole baby situation. Sade is throwing the shower, are you gonna show up or not?

Charles: I don’t know Paris. I can't co-sign anything that I don’t put my all into, and I already told you how I felt about taking it slow with the baby thing.

Paris: I’m going to have this child whether you’re going to be in his life or not. But I’d prefer you do.

Charles: I’m willing to give it a chance if you promise this isn’t too much for us or our marriage.

Paris: [Smiles] I can’t wait, babe!

[Scene ends as they kiss]


Showering Baby Colton

Sade Grayson Confessional: I’m so happy for Paris and Charles. They fought SO hard to have this baby. And now… Baby boy is just about ready to come into the world! I'm over the moon that they finally got their happy ending. [stops tear from falling]

[Sade comes down the Venue’s stairs to greet the guests]

[Camera pans to venue]

[Janay & Eliza (with Dom) walk in]

[Adrianna and her cousin arrive]

Janay: [sees Eliza] Girl what the hell? Why do you have a bike?

Eliza: I thought it would be a nice investment to give baby Colton something to be athletic with!

Janay: A baby? Okay, girl [laughs].

Eliza Dé’Isnée Confessional: It’s never too early to start biking!

Adrianna: Well Eliza, this is very fitting of you babe!

Janay: [walks away] That bitch flew over the coo coo’s nest.

Sade: [gets on mic] Thank you everyone for coming to help shower Baby Colton. Let’s welcome the parents-to-be!

[Paris and Charles arrives]

Adrianna: [Looks at Paris] Not a fake baby bump.

[Sade turns and faces the wall]

Paris: [rubs fake belly] Get into it.

Corey (Sade’s Husband): [Looks at drink] How many of these did I have?

Janay Price Confessional: At least she looks like she eats more.

Eliza Dé’Isnée Confessional: What the hell did this woman eat? She was just skinny with an eating disorder in the Maldives.

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: She’s finally pregnant. Yessssss!

Paris: Don’t worry girls, it’s a fake belly! I wanted to look the part I am, right? [Looks Eliza up and down] You must be the peacock we ordered.

Eliza: Yes ma’am! And here’s the sex toy you ordered!

Paris: You can keep that bike for Dom baby. He’s a pro rider I heard.

Eliza: But for real girl, I am happy for you. I’m glad you’re finally getting that kid of yours.

Paris: Thanks so much! [Flips hair and walks off to hug Sade]

Janay: Congratulations on your bundle of joy.

Paris: [smiles] Thanks.

Janay: I can’t stay long, but I wanted to give you this gift for the baby.

[Everyone’s face drops]

[Security opens the gift bag and tosses it in the trash]

Paris: Escort this bitch out!

Sade: Get this ho out!

Janay: Bye bitch!

[Sade and Paris laugh at Janay being escorted out]

Eliza Dé’Isnée Confessional: Janay’s little four-year-old ass is so immature. She should’ve known better than to bring a Jean doll to this event.

[Adrianna taps the mic]

[Security unplugs the mic]

Adrianna: Paris! I have a special gift for you Paris since your eggs don’t work. I got you a big ass truck of eggs. Maybe you can sit on them and have some babies finally.

Paris: Security escort this bitch out too!

Adrianna: Gladly! [She walks with security]

Sade: Fucking trash!

Paris: If only somebody heard her. How unfortunately thirsty of her.

[Scene ends as they all dance and celebrate]


Adrianna Wilder Solo

[cameras show Adrianna and her husband an almost-finished house]

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: I know some people may think. “Well, Adrianna changes homes every season” well that’s about to change soon because I’m building my dream home!

Deontay: Baby I can’t wait for us to finally finish this. This is most definitely our forever home.

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: My new house is 22,000 square feet. It’s going to be big and fabulous for sure!

Adrianna: Babe, I’m so happy to just even have this and have you in my life! I have been through so much this year and still going through some of it.

Deontay: Well baby in all that mess you got me and I’m most definitely not going anywhere.

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: I’m still going through this bullshit with bow wow. But I’m in it to fight for my child cause he most definitely will not win.

Adrianna: This love is forever and I’m most definitely happy about it.

Deontay: We most definitely going to rule the world

[Scene ends as they kiss]


Megan Kennedy's Wedding

[Camera pans to the Wedding venue]

Megan Kennedy Confessional: Today is the day, I’m marrying the Love of my life. [tears fall from eyes]

Megan: Everything is perfect, the food, my family, my friends, the dress, I’m just ready to marry this man.

Megan's Dad: You ready baby girl?

[Megan looks in the mirror at my beautiful wedding dres]

Megan: Yes Daddy, I’m ready, and thank you for your support.

[Megan gets makeup touches on her face]

Makeup Artist (Armon): The day is finally here! Where are you guys going for the honeymoon?

Megan: Tyler was thinking of Paris, he said he already made reservations.

[Sade and Paris arrive]

Megan: Hey Paris, hey Sade… [gives them both a big hug]

Paris: Congratulations girl!

Sade: So happy for you sweetie! Welcome to the wives club!

Megan: Thank you for your support [tears fall from right eye]

Sade: Noooo crying! [dabs eyes] Wait until you’re exchanging those vows.

Megan: Oh my god in about thirty minutes, I’m going to be Mrs. Tyler Lepley.

Sade: Yes Megan Lepley, period!

Megan Kennedy Confessional: I’m so grateful for my girls Paris and Sade. They have been with me every step of the way. I do appreciate everything they have done.

Megan’s Mom: I am so proud of you.

Megan: Even though I don’t care too much for these other ladies, I do appreciate that they came out to support me after all that has been said.

[Eliza, Janay, and Dee enter]

Megan: [looks from afar] Dee Bell is that you bitch?

[Dee walks over to the ladies]

Dee: Hello, ladies.

Megan: Hey Dee, long time no see.

Sade: Megan I think it’s so dope that you and Tyler will be walking in at the same time. That was a beautiful idea.

Megan: I know that man is incredible, he help plan it all with me.

Sade: Y’all are so cute!

Paris: Love the couple's goals!

Megan: I’m surprised Adrianna’s not here yet.

Megan Kennedy Confessional: Adrianna and I aren’t on the best of terms, but she could have had the courtesy of being on time.

Megan: Okay, ladies let me finish getting ready. I’ll see you all soon

[The ladies move to the Reception area]

[Adrianna and Sandra walk in ]

Adrianna: Hi ladies. Looking beautiful as always.

Janay: Adrianna, so Megan is taking all her time in the dressing room, instead of walking down the aisle

Paris: Janay don’t! If she wanted to chat with her girls, she can.

Janay: Didn’t you and your man got hitched at the little red chapel in Vegas after a night of him tipping your rent money Paris? I don’t expect you to understand how weddings work.

Paris: [Shows Janay People Magazine Photo] Anyway, talk about something else.

[From a distance]

Eliza: Sade, so are you and Megan good?

Sade: Yes. We had a long conversation on the phone and talked it all out.

Eliza De’Isnee Confessional:

Producer: What do you know about Sade and Megan’s reconciliation?

Eliza: Let’s just say, Michael wasn’t the only funeral I went to this year.

Pastor: May have I everyone’s attention? All the guests may now be seated.

[The ladies go to their seats]

Dee: [whispers to Janay] I can’t believe she’s actually getting married. I remember he was messing around with the men at the club downtown.

Janay: [chuckles] Stop!

[Megan walks in]

[Megan and Tyler walk together]

[Megan is being walked by her dad]

[Tyler is being walked by his mom]

Sade: Oh my goodness.

Music plays: "It seems like forever, that I have waited for you. In a world of disappointment, one thing is true. God has blessed me, and he has blessed you too."

[Paris and Sade walk behind them]

[Megan walks with watery eyes and finally makes it]

Minister: Dearly beloved, We have gathered here today, not to witness the beginning of what will be, but rather what already is! The love between Megan Kennedy and Tyler Lepley.

Sade: [to Paris] I wanna get married again.

Minister: The couple has written their own vows and Megan would you like to begin?

Megan: Whewwww.

Megan: Tyler, you are everything I hope for in a man, you are kind and passionate, and when your heart beats, my heart beats…

[Paris smiles and Sade tears up]

Megan: You accept me for my flaws and everything, you walk with me, you talk with me, you don’t criticize me

Megan: Because of you I wake up every day with so much joy in my heart, I love you, Tyler Lepley.

Minister: Tyler?

Tyler: Megan, I love you and I’ll always be your friend.

Megan: [tears up] Yes.

Tyler: But I can’t marry you...

[The audience gasps]

Sade: Damn!

Paris: [gasps] What?

[Sandra laughs]

Eliza: [slaps Sandra] Shut up bitch!

Sade Grayson Confessional: I know you fucking lying!

Paris: Well this took quite a turn.

Megan: Tyler! Ty

[Megan grabs her dress and runs. Her shoe falls off as she runs]

Tyler’s Mom: Look at God! Thank you, Lord!

Dee: [to Janay] I told her, he ain’t want her. He wanted Brian and Rob. [shakes head] Bless her heart.

[Megan continues to run and falls to the ground]

[Sade runs after Megan]

Megan’s Mom: Megan baby… Baby! Oh my godddd! My daughter.

[Dee and Janay grab their things]

Paris: [grabs mic] Well uhmmm this took quite a turn tonight. Thanks for coming?

[Megan's Mom approaches her on the ground]

Megan’s Mom: Megan. GET UP!! BABY!

Megan’s Dad: [grabs mic] HELL NO! I PAID FOR THIS!

Paris: [looks from afar] Oh Lord!

Megan: I can’t believe he did THATTTTTT!

Megan’s Dad: We gonna have this reception!

Megan: I’M SO EMBARRASSED!! [stomps the ground multiple times]

Megan’s Dad: Tyler! F**k you!

Dee: It is embarrassing. I feel bad for her.

Paris: So are we going to eat the cake with no bride or groom?

Megan’s Mom: You can’t cry over a man baby.

Megan: Ohhhh oh.

Megan Kennedy Confessional: Tyler is such a good man… Ugh!

Megan’s Dad: Baby are you alright?

Megan: No Daddy, he broke my heart.

[The ladies start waking into the reception area]

Adrianna: [to Dee] I’m sorry this is funny to me.

Dee: Why is it funny?

Adrianna: Everything she had said about me and my family. But look at her now.

Dee: I guess… It’s still sad. No one deserves that.

Adrianna: You’re right. Because if this happened to me, I would be hurt as f**k.

Megan’s Dad: Get that camera out of her! [hits camera] Y’all ain’t going to see Megan again after this BS!

Megan’s Dad: END IT! I don’t give a F**k.

[Producer Peaches starts looking for Tyler Lepley]

Sade: [gets on the mic in the Reception room] It’s a shame what has transpired, but Mr. Kennedy insisted we have dinner and enjoy our evening. We ask that you not post anything on social media. Thank you.

[Eliza puts her phone down]

Paris: Sade girl! This is a mess! I really hope she’s okay.

Sade: It’s so crazy, I don’t even know what to tell her.

Adrianna: I am not surprised this happened.

Sade: What do you mean? [raises eyebrow]

Adrianna: Karma is a bitch!

[Adrianna sips her drink]

Sade: [looks at Adrianna] You are the scum of the earth by the way.

Adrianna: Thank you. I am trying. Cheers! To me!

Sade: Cheers to you being a slut who tricked a man into marrying you.

Adrianna: Y’all love celebrating my downfall. I guess I just do it better.

Sade: Cheers to you being an incompetent mother!

Adrianna: Awww thank you!

[Adrianna lunges at Sade with her drink]

Sade: That’s right you CHEAP ASS BITCH!

[Security escorts her out]

Adrianna: Stupid bitch!

Sade: I hope Bow Wow broke ass wins custody over you ho! Your daughter is better off with him than with your low-class, slutty self.

Dee: I see some things never change.

[Camera pans to Megan in her wedding outfit with her parents comforting her]

Megan Kennedy Confessional: Even though I didn’t get a fairytale wedding or marriage, I got to experience something Adrianna never had… LOVE!






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