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LHOHH - [S2, E2]: "Etiquette is Key"

Writer's picture: Braeden CarterBraeden Carter

The Legendary Housewives of Hidden Hills Season Two stars Eliza Dé’Isnée, Sade Grayson, Megan Kennedy, Janay Price, Adrianna Dakota Ray-Wilder, and Paris Wildwood, while Jean Burruss and Sandra Hudson serve as 'friends of the housewives.' Original cast members, Shamari Devine and Dee Bell make guest appearances throughout the season.


Paris - "This Queen is often imitated, but never intimidated."

Sade - “Adversity may cause some to break, but it made me to break records."

Janay - "Test my knowledge, not my patience."

Megan - "My loyalty is to people who never made me question theirs."

Eliza - "The Dame is in town, and SHE is sticking around."

Adrianna - "I may be the most hated, but at least I’m not the clown."


Adrianna Event (continued)

[arguing continues]

Eliza: Oh no nothing’s being repo’d over here darling. The stocks are high and you must be as well if you think you know anything about my finances.

[Adrianna shifts chair]

Eliza: Worry about your man and his money.

Paris: When was the last time you popped a Xanax? Before you walked in? I would be a little more discreet about your relapses. It’s so obvious. {Flicks white power off of Eliza’s dress]

Eliza: Touch my dress again and see what happens.

Paris: Girl Bye! I’ll have you sent right back to that facility.

Janay Price Confessional: At this point, I’m getting drunk. These ladies are giving me a bad vibe anyway.

Producer Peaches: Why don’t you try to neutralize the feud with Paris and Eliza?

Sade Grayson Confessional: Do I look like a WWE referee to you?

Megan: Ladies!! Can we bring it on down?

[The guests look from afar}

Adrianna: Paris, Can you calm down, please?

Eliza: Adrianna, why do you have this homophobic lady at your event?

Paris: Let’s really not do the homophobic thing. I’m bisexual myself, it’s quite laughable.

Eliza: Make senses, you are married to a gay man. I’m married to a man that LOVES me.

Paris: That half-dead loser?

Eliza De’Isnee Confessional: That bitch is going to regret saying that.

Paris: Your fake husband is on that breathing tube as we speak girl. Don’t act as if you’re not counting down the minutes.

Janay: [whispers to Adrianna] Her Husband is dying?

[Eliza and her dress walk away]

Paris Wildwood Confessional: Go run and tell the blogs how bad I cleared you bitch!

[Eliza enters the bathroom]

Eliza: [broken] I can not do this right now!

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: Paris is an evil bitch! She was so pressed by Eliza’s presence.

Janay: Y’all ladies are crazy. Especially you Sade for how you approached Jean and me.

Sade: Nobody was talking to you little girl. You had your moment, you missed it.

Janay: Pipe down old lady.

Megan: Not too much on Sade, Nay Nay!

Sade: Miss Teeny Bopper got the game f**ked up.

Janay: Mrs. Crunked up is a little too disrespectful.

Janay Price Confessional: Mrs. Grayson needs to go take her medicine and go away from me with this.

Adrianna: The fact that y’all just met Janay and y’all feel the need to attack her is wrong. New year same Bullsh*t will y’all.

Sade: Adrianna let me tell you something you stupid bitch. F**k you. Respectfully.

Adrianna: Sade pipe down! Y’all are literally judging her based on what y’all know about Dee.

Sade: This Betty Boop had walked away when I asked a simple question. I don’t have time for you bitches.

Adrianna: All I’m saying is, let’s get to know her. The girl probably feels attacked.

Sade: I don’t give a rat's ass. It’s just funny to me how this little girl ran when I asked her a simple question but it is all hype. Are you glad now you got your backup?

Janay: I don’t need backup. I had a few drinks though and I couldn’t hold it any longer. So now I’m here. What’s up? [smiles]

Adrianna: Sade why are you so guarded?

Sade: My guard is always up around bitches who ain’t got nothing to lose.

Janay: Oh I have something to lose. That’s why I don’t go in public acting like you.

Janay Price Confessional: Does she even see herself right now?

Adrianna: [walks to the stage} Hey everyone! The party is over have a good night!

Janay: This is a mess. I could have stayed in ATL for this.

[Paris and Sade walk out of the event]

Paris: Chile, what a mess. Where the hell did Megan go?

Adrianna: Janay, would you like to come over to my house soon, I would love to have a conversation with you.

Janay: Sure hun, I'll see you soon [hugs and kisses]


Janay Price Solo

[Janay's Price Home]

Mama Dee: [WALKS IN] How are you settling in?

Janay: It's been a month and I am finally on my last bag. I have to go buy my textbooks and go past the Beverly Hills office to meet the executives.

Janay Price Confessional: I'm Janay Price. Dee's cousin. I have a bachelor's in Economics and currently working on my MBA. I started out at Dee Programming for my internship. Now, I am Chief Operating Officer while Dee is away

Janay Confessional: Since Dee is leaving, she's asking me to help Mama Dee with little Syx.

Mama Dee: I don't know anything about that business chile. I guess that's why she got you here. Do you think you are ready to handle Syx?

Janay: [CONTINUES UNPACKING] Well you know I basically raised my siblings. Especially when mama was working those three jobs. God rest her soul.

Mama Dee: Well I'm happy you're here. Have you gone around Hidden Hills?

Janay: You remember Dee's friend, Adrianna?

Mama Dee: Yes.

Janay: She's having an event soon for her marriage, but I'm concerned that the ladies will have an issue with me, due to me being Dee's cousin.

Mama Dee: Your cousin Dee went through a lot here. One of those girls is the reason she's in this predicament. They taunted my baby until she exploded. I don't want you to lose self-control. You have too much to lose.


Operator: You have a collect call from the Los Angeles Women's Correctional Facility from "DEE BELL" Press 1 to accept!

Dee: [OTP]: Hello? Janay? Mama?

Janay: Dee!

Mama Dee: My baby!

Dee: Heyyyyy, I miss y’all Mama Dee: We miss you too, how are you baby? Dee: I’m taking it one day at a time. Mama Dee: I love you, Dee, I'm going to let you both talk.

Dee: Love you, Mama, So Nay, how are the hills?

Janay: The hills are fine. I am still adjusting. It’s nothing like the A [giggles]

Dee: Is Syx receptive to you? Janay: He is so adorable. He is very well-mannered. You did a great job. Dee: I want to thank you again for helping my mom.

Janay Price Confessional: I love my cousin. She has done a lot for me including paying for my schooling to this day. Without her, I don’t know where I’d be. So I owe it to her to take care of Syx.

Dee: So have you met any of the ladies Adrianna had an event? And the mention of your name sent a few girls into a tailspin. The main one is Sade.

Janay: The big bitch? Yeah, she has a lot of mouth.

Janay: She was very worried about me being your cousin. I kept it cute though. Dee: Good. Cause she makes you want to smack a bitch. But watch her, she sets bitches up Janay: It was also this pasty blonde chick that was being messy. Her and some other girl. Dee: That’s Megan and Paris. They’re just Sade’s lackeys. Don’t pay them any attention Janay: I won’t. But other than that, the ladies were great. Dee: Just watch your back. You don’t know who you can trust Janay: Oh, you know I will. [Camera pans to home and they laugh]


Paris Wildwood Solo

[Camera pans to the Wildwood Estate]

[Paris walks downstairs and sees Charles as the private Chef, Linda, is cooking]

Paris: Hey babe [Goes in for a kiss]

[Charles dodges kiss]

Paris: Babe, don't be like that. What's going on? You've been acting strange these past few weeks.

Paris Wildwood Confessional: Ever since I started working on my album, Charles has been... distant. He rarely talks to me, he doesn't want me to kiss him, and we haven't had sex since we filmed last season's reunion.

Paris: Come on, [brings him outside] let’s talk.

Charles: Look, I’ve been thinking a lot about our little one that’s coming, but with our schedules being so busy… I don’t know if it’s smart for us to take on the responsibility of another child. In order for us to be active parents, we’re gonna have to be home and unfortunately, you’re too busy to do that.

Paris: No babe, we can do this. We can get a full-time nanny we can afford the help.

Charles: That’s not the point, Paris. Yea we can hire all this extra help but what does it matter if we leave all the responsibilities to staff and we aren’t doing our jobs as parents?

Paris: I mean, you know how much I wanted to have kids, Charles. I put off having kids for these past 8 years we’ve been together because you weren’t ready. Why are you having this change of heart?

Charles: I just don’t want our child to grow up and feel as if we were absentee parents.

Paris: But we won’t be.

Charles: But we will. If you’re not in the studio, you’re at the office. If you’re not at the office, you’re doing some sort of shoot or campaign. I don’t think we should have this baby.

Paris: So are you saying that we should ask the surrogate to abort the baby? [Gets mad]

Charles: No, I’m saying that after the baby is born, we should give him up for adoption.

Paris: Have you lost your fucking mind? Absolutely not. I have not waited all these years to have a child thrown him away to some random family. [Gets up]

Charles: See this is your problem P. You get mad and storm off when you don’t want to hear the truth.

Paris: Fuck the truth, Charles! I’m having this baby whether you’re going to be there or not. [Slams door and runs into the bathroom crying]


Eliza De'Isnee Solo

[House of De'Isnee fades in]

Eliza De'Isnee Confessional: I remember thinking, "This is the worst day of my life..." My husband, Michael De'Isnee, passed away a few days ago. After suffering from a recently debilitating stroke. I can't even begin to think about how I'm supposed to go on...

[Camera pans inside of the house]

Eliza De'Isnee Confessional: Everywhere I go in this house, I see him. I see the life we built for ourselves and our gorgeous son, Jeremiah.

Eliza: I am absolutely devastated... [cries]

Eliza De'Isnee Confessional: We were married for two decades, we shared a beautiful life together and our beautiful son came out of it. [breaks down]


Adrianna & Janay Meetup

[Camera pans inside Adrianna's house]

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: Today, I have invited a good friend of mine Diamond and I also invited Janay because I want to get to know her better.

[Janay walks in]

Janay: [Hugs Adrianna] Hi Adrianna, this is a beautiful home.

Adrianna: Thank you babe, so how are you feeling? I know you are going through a lot right now.

Janay: I'm doing pretty well.

[Diamond walks in]

Diamond: Hello Adrianna, How are you doing?

Adrianna: I'm doing great love.

Janay: [sips drink]

Adrianna: Diamond, I would like for you to meet Janay.

Diamond: Oh hi Janay! Nice to meet you [tries to hug]

Janay: [shakes hand] Hello.

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: Did she just? [laughs]

Janay Price Confessional: I didn't know Adrianna was gonna have me meet more new people. After meeting that first group, I don't know.

Diamond: Adrianna what's going on in your life right now?

Adrianna: Right now, I'm just enjoying being happily married. I just started a new podcast and just finished writing my book.

Diamond: Oh my gosh! What is it about?

Janay: Are you going to talk about the Diddy stuff?

Adrianna: Stuff that I haven't talked about publicly or anyone else. A little bit about my engagement to Diddy and why we broke up.

Janay: What about Megan?

Adrianna: Funny you mentioned that. You know that Megan was a school board member on Hidden Hills, but word on the street is... she got fired.

Diamond: What!!!??

Adrianna: It was because she was giving drugs to kids.

Janay: Oh my god!

Diamond: What were the drugs?

Adrianna: Allegedly, it was marijuana. I wonder if her best friend Sade, knows all about this.

Janay: She probably doesn't, she likes to play like she's innocent.

Adrianna: Right! She use to always talk about Dee and her appearance.

Janay: I know she ain't talking, I saw a video of her getting her body done.

[Diamond and Adrianna look at the video]

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: Girl, this tea is too messy. [laughs]

Diamond: Well, she doesn't look that bad.

Janay: It looks like a waste of resources to me. [sips drink]

Janay Price Confessional: Looks like the BIG THREE got some karma coming... [cackles]


Sade's Etiquette Event

[Camera pans to Sade showing Madame Etiquette the food spread]

Sade Grayson Confessional: I know how to control my alcohol intake at an upscale event. My attitude? Not so much. I’ve called Madame Etiquette in to help the collective. Under her orders, there will be no alcohol served at this event. This only means the bitches who need liquid courage will be on their best behavior, and in turn — I will be on mine! [smiles]

[Madame Felicity arrives and pours sparkling cider with Sade]

Madame: Very lovely, Sade Nicely done

Sade: I hope the ladies be on their best behavior.

Madame: Of course Mrs. Grayson, I will make sure of that.

[Adrianna, Janay, and Paris arrive]

Paris: Hey girl, Hi Ms. Madame.

Sade: Hello Adrianna.

Adrianna: Hey Sade.

Janay: Hello Sade.

Sade: [Looks at Janay]

Janay: Hello Madame.

Madame: Nice to meet you ladies. Thank you for coming and being on time. We’ll give the other ladies some time to arrive. [Eyes widen at Paris]

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: Paris is here I see [fake smiles] Why is She ALWAYS wearing black?

Paris: Is your friend Eliza coming Sade?

Sade: No, her husband has recently passed. Didn't you hear?

Paris: Oh I heard, but we know she's not actually grieving. This was just another payday for her.

[Janay and Adrianna look at Paris]

Adrianna: When you've been married that long, I think it's really hurtful, so she's definitely not coming.

Paris: She might as well come. I'm sure she took that trip to the bank early this morning.

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: When someone is talking about someone else's husband, it's a sign of you being insecure about something. Charles must not love you enough.

[Megan sneaks in]

Paris: Hey Megan girl!

Megan: Hey girl.Where is everybody?

Sade: Late per usual! Adrianna, are the rest of your friends coming? Because all of mine are here. Minus Eliza with reason [looks around].

Sade Grayson Confessional: These hoes coming late to an ETIQUETTE brunch is exactly why I don’t fool with them.

[Jean enters]

Jean: Hey ladies!!

Adrianna: Hey Jean!

Janay: Jean!!

Megan: [whispers] What hell is she wearing?

Jean Burruss Confessional: Even though, I’m not on good terms with Sade after her comments about my appearance. I’ll come to show her what a lady is like.

Jean: Hello Auntie Phylicia.

Madame: It’s Madame. There’s no kin of mine here.

Megan: Auntie? [confused]

Sade: Okay ladies. Thank you all for actually showing up. I asked Madame to come in and assist our group. I hated how Adrianna’s event ended last week. Most of us are women of a certain status and should know how to conduct ourselves at a nice event.

Producer Peaches: What did you think of Adrianna's event?

Sade Grayson Confessional: It was a damn chitlin circus

Sade: I’ll turn it over to Madame.

Madame: Well, ladies, I don’t want to bore you with a Victorian style of etiquette. My granddaughter assisted me with an updated version of an etiquette list. Take one and pass it around.

[The ladies pass them around]

Madame: Now something I noticed is that, really, none of you are dressed appropriately for the occasion.

Paris: [laughing] Well how should we dress Madame?

Megan: Oooooo!

Madame: Well Paris, since you are laughing, why don’t you stand next to me. Come on up!

[Paris stands up and does a runway walk]

Madame: [Looks] Very nice…

Paris: Yes it is!

[Janay snickers]

Madame: … For a whore!

Megan: Dang!

Sade: Uhn Uhn…

Paris: You aren’t going to call me whore.

Madame: I just did darling, now you have a seat.

Paris: Look Sade, I don’t know where you got her from, but send her back. I’m going to the restroom, excuse me.

Janay Price Confessional: Get her together madame. Yessss!

Madame: Jean, you can come up next!

[Jean walks to Madame}

Madame: Jean this outfit is for the bar in Compton. Not an elegant brunch in the Hills.

Jean: Mrs. Cosby how dare you speak on my clothing.

Madame: And it’s aging you. You look as old as me.

Jean: I thought this was an Etiquette event, not a low-budget fashion event.

Madame: Pardon? I don’t want to get you together. I will address you after this.

Jean Burruss Confessional: I feel that Sade put Fake ass, Phylicia Rashad, up to this.

Paris: [returns] The “whore” has returned. [Paris winks at Madame]

Madame: Return to the corner where you belong Paris.

Madame: Adrianna, come, my dear. This dress is lovely. I have to say. A little on the short side, but I do love it. Take notes ladies. Megan, you’re next.

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: [laughs] And they call me the “whore” of the group.

Madame: Megan, you’re next.

Megan: Oh lord! Here we go!

Madame: Megan I would like for you to leave. Because you are dressed for a trashy beach party.

Megan: Madame, this outfit is something you could never pull off, even on your best day.

Sade Grayson Confessional:

Producer Peaches: Where’d you find the Madame?

Sade: [laughs]

[Sandra arrives after being late from traffic]

[Sandra walks in without her black Birkin looking at Madame]

Madame: [looks at Sandra] Who is this harlot?

Sandra: Oh hell no! You can keep your pre-historic pussy and comments to yourself old lady. You are teaching etiquette but you’re wearing rags. You’re a fraud.

Sade: Sandra relax!

Sandra Hudson Confessional: Now I just arrived and this raggedy ass heifer is coming for me oh hell no I no you don’t think you.

Madame: Fraud is that knock-off Versace, you’re wearing. I was asked here to help, do you all want the help!?

Megan: Fraud is you trying to teach us etiquette while calling us whores, harlots, pushing people, and wearing ripped stockings.

Madame: Megan, you’re wearing a fashion nova mesh bathing suit cover-up to brunch. You are beyond my help. Leave and head to the beach.

Sandra: Madame, you are not from no higher power you raggedy ass bitch. This is a fraudulent ass lady, an old whore, and a madame of sluts.

Paris: Sandra calm down girl, you don’t even know what’s going on.

Adrianna Wilder Confessional: Sandra is trying so hard to fit in.

Madame: Sandra your mouth is filthy. You all have been using profanities the minute you walked in. Please settle down.

Sandra: You called me a name as soon as I walked in to explain yourself.

Sade: [stands up] Okay enough!!! You all are doing what you always do. It doesn’t matter if you liquored up, y’all can’t ever be cordial for five minutes.

Jean: She was being rude to me and spoke about my clothing.

Sade: Jean you need the etiquette the most!

Jean: You brought her here to talk about us.

Sade: She is here to help, you guys are just sensitive and touchy. I can tell you about yourself directly. I don’t need help.

Sandra: Sensitive? Who calls somebody a harlot as soon as they walk through the door?

Madame: Was the harlot not invited? Look over the etiquette rules.

[Camera flashes to the Etiquette rules]

Sade: Did I SAY I WAS PERFECT? SARDINE!! Shut up! Who are you?

Jean: You must think so! But then again you brought another lady to get us together.

Sade: I don’t need help getting you together and shading you. You’re a walking embarrassment.

Jean: Sade you have lost your damn mind talking to me! And F**k you Mrs. Cosby, you old hag!

Sade: And you lost all your damn melanin.

Madame: Jean you can leave. You don’t look a day younger than 45.

Sade: You know what? I’ll leave. Forget this group. I have too much real-life shit going on to constantly deal with a bunch of low-life-hating ass bitches. [walks away]

Sade: [flips Jean and Madame]

Madame: Sade! It’s very unclassy to leave your own event.

Megan: Sade don’t go! [goes after her]

Sade: I need to go home to my husband and family. Please move so I can go.

Megan: Calm down Sade: Oh my god!

Sade: [holds back tears] Megan move, please. I’m not doing this right now.

Madame: You know what? You heffas are beyond my assistance.

Paris Wilwood Confessional: I hope Sade is okay right now, she has a lot going on.

Megan Kennedy Confessional: I feel like I am always being a friend to Sade more than she is to me.



Sade Grayson Solo

[Camera pans to Sade in the bathroom doing skin care, as phone rings]

Sade: Hello? Twins: [in unison] Hey Sade...

Sade: Hey girls, what’s up? Are you okay?

Garcelle: [starts crying] Can we please stay with you?

Sade: [turns water off] Of course you can come here, but I need you to tell me what’s going on.

Crystal: My mom tried to cut our locs off! [sniffs]

Sade: Wait, WHAT? [starts walking to the bedroom so Corey can hear] Were you guys playing around?

Garcelle: No! We were sleeping. She cut a few of mine off. -starts sobbing-

Crystal: Ever since she got those surgeries she’s been trying to whitewash everything. She told us our dad’s genes gave us our light skin but it also gave us “nappy ass hair”.

Corey: [looks at Sade with disgust]

Sade: I just want to reiterate that you girls are perfect and have beautiful hair — do you understand this?

Twins: Yes

Sade: Where are you?

Crystal: Outside of a hotel downtown. We would book a room but she has access to all of our stuff.

Sade: No don’t worry about that. Come to my house. I’m texting you the address now.

Garcelle: Okay. Thank you.

[Sade hangs up]

Corey: Jean needs help yo.




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