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LHOHH - [S1, E7]: "Reunion"

Writer's picture: Braeden CarterBraeden Carter

Updated: Apr 4, 2023

The Legendary Housewives of Hidden Hills Season One stars Dee Bell, Shamari Devine, Bianca Fletcher, Sade Grayson, Megan Kennedy, Adrianna Dakota Ray, and Paris Wildwood, with Jean Burruss serving as a 'friend of the housewives.'


Paris - "I may be a wildcard, but this girl can never be tamed."

Sade - “No amount of pressure will ever crush this diamond.”

Bianca - "I may be a Princess, but I'm not a Drama Queen."

Megan - "I got 99 problems, but a ring ain't one"

Dee - "This New York Apple is here to plant her seeds in the Hills."

Shamari - "I tell it like it is, but I'll try to make it nice."

Adrianna - "They say I'm too much, and I say they are not enough."



[Camera pans reunion set]

[Braeden Carter (the Host) walks in]

Paris Wildwood

Adrianna Ray

Dee Bell

Sade Grayson

Shamari Devine

Bianca Fletcher

Megan Kennedy


Braeden: Hello ladies and gentlemen, I’m your Host, Braeden Carter, and I’m here with The Legendary Housewives of Hidden Hills coming fresh from their first season. I’m with the exquisite and special ladies of the Hills.

Braeden: Hello Ms. Shamari, nice to see you down there.

Sade: [whispers] Not the first Lady dress.

Shamari: Doing great. I brought tissues on my dress as standby when I make you bitches cry. Feel to take some Dee.

Dee: [rolls eyes]

Braeden: Hello Megan, soon-to-be Mrs. Lepley, how are you doing?

Megan: I’m doing good Mr. Carter. How are you?

Braeden: Doing good… Mrs. Watson-Grayson, you’re looking fabulous.

Sade: It’s just Grayson! But thank you, sir!

Braeden: [chuckles] Princess Bianca, how are you and Denmark doing?

Bianca: The country and I are doing good.

[Paris yawns, Dee scoffs, and Sade rolls her eyes]

Braeden: Adrianna… What about you? Are you ready for today?

Adrianna: Yes! So ready to get this over with!

Braeden: The Former New York Apple, how are you feeling?

Dee: I’m feeling amazing, Hopefully, I don’t have to throw anything today.

[Sade stares at Dee]

Braeden: [shifts cards] …And last, but not least, the self-proclaimed Queen of the Hills, are you ready?

Paris: [Flips hair] Ready as I’ll ever be Braeden. Hopefully, these girls leave here intact.

Sade: [whispers] And won’t!

[Dee fakes smiles]

Braeden: Well ladies let’s start. Shamari Devine, this season you were gone with the wind fabulous, but when you appear it didn’t stop the fun… Take a look… [plays scenes]

[Dee looks bored, Sade giggles, Paris shifts dress]

Bianca: Oh Shamari! Hehehehe.

Braeden: Shamari, the viewers ask “Shamari, where were you this season? It’s like you were never there”

Paris: Nothing memorable occurred.

Shamari: Well Braeden, my husband is a very well-known public figure, so I need to spend my time with my family. And not be worrying about these fat bitches.

Paris: [whispers to Sade] Where is Omar well known? In the strip club?

Sade: [whipsers] Well known for eyebrows.

Megan: So with your husband being a huge person, you couldn’t show up for a job you signed off on?

Dee: [scrunches face]

Shamari: Omar is my family!

Sade: I mean he has two caterpillars on his face, those count as children.

Braeden: Well Shamari., when you weren’t around the ladies, you were in the studio, were you creating new music for us?

Paris: Shamari can’t afford the studio time anymore that’s why she wasn’t recording.

Dee: That’s why Ashley almost dragged her out for stealing her session time.

Shamari: I’ve been recording actually.

Bianca: The music is great! I’ve heard it!

Braeden: When will the music be released?

Paris: At the bottom of the bubbling under the sea.

Dee: September, Spring, Summer.

Shamari: [holds up album cover] BOOM! This is my latest album. Mainly because of my Egyptian heritage. I thought I’d do something traditional. [Hands CDs to everyone] Hope you all enjoy it!

[Sade throws CD over the couch, Megan places CD between the cushions]

Megan: [whispers] Don’t really care for that!

Paris: [cracks it] I hope they don’t report this as one sale to the Billboard.

Shamari: And my girl Bianca! You will get a featured role in my music video as Cleopatra!

Bianca: Of course, I can! I am Princess honey!

Braeden: Congratulations, can’t wait to play it. Omar mentioned he wanted to have children, are you still open to that idea?

Shamari: I am now more than ever.

Braeden: Bianca this season you considered yourself to be a Princess, but not a Drama Queen.. let’s take a look.

[Sade falls asleep, Dee looks bored, Bianca smiles]

Shamari: MY BITCH! [Claps]

Braeden: The viewers want to know, are you really a princess? You got a lot of flack for it this season.

Paris: I am a viewer.

Bianca: I married a prince. So yeah.

Sade: Nope!

Megan: Oliver is a con artist!

Dee: Megan you’re a con artist!

Sade: [looks at Dee] and you’re a criminal!

Dee: And you’re a snitch!

Braeden: Woah! Ladies!

Bianca: Married life is good. I’m happy living in the U.S.A. with my prince. We like to go back every now and then but Hidden Hills is my home.

Braeden: During the season, you were a bit skeptical about auditioning for a major role, because of your marriage. Did Oliver play a part in that decision?

Paris: [whispers] She wouldn’t have gotten it anyway.

Bianca: He did. I love acting and want to follow in my family’s footsteps. However, monarchs are very traditional and they believe that Oliver is supposed to have children. I’m not ready for a baby right now and there’s so much I want to do before I get to be Megan’s age.

Megan: Let’s keep it a buck… this is the biggest role she will ever get. The bitch is boring. And what do you mean by age?

Bianca: Megan must be coked up, she keeps talking and no one is listening.

Sade: Coke is your friend honey.

Bianca: [giggles] okay!

Megan: Your father-in-law is on Coke. He has been smuggling drugs into the United States and it’s the reason why he can’t visit you.

Bianca: You don’t have a father-in-law or father so what’s tea?


Shamari: Ghetto!

Braeden: [hides behind cards]

Sade: Oh Shamari bitch, please. You live in the slums.

Shamari: And you are a slum lord Sade.

Paris: What a loser comeback

Bianca: If you know how to shut the f**k up while I’m talking to Braeden.


Megan: Typical white trick.

Bianca: That’s how I know you weren’t raised right.

Megan: Wasn’t raised right? Just because I don’t come from a rich background doesn’t mean I wasn’t raised right.

Bianca: I didn’t ask for your upbringing story. Anyway, Braeden do you got more questions for me?

Braeden: Hold tight there’s a lot you have to answer for, so stick around.

Adrianna: This is getting ugly.

Paris: I see Bianca has never left the sandbox. Childish ass bitch.

Braeden: ADA Megan Kennedy of the School Board, had 99 problems, but a ring wasn’t one [plays footage].

[The Big THREE Smiles at the footage, and Dee rolls her eyes.]

Braeden: The fans are genuinely confused about your job occupation. Whether you are an Assistant District Attorney or Attorney District to the school board or school member… Can you explain?

Megan: I am an Assistant Super-intendant and I work in the school district.

Shamari: She works the district alright.

Dee: As an attorney? Or a school board administrative assistant?

Megan: I am no longer an attorney.

Braeden: You are engaged to Tyler Lesley, and your mother didn’t approve of the relationship… How do both of your families feel about the relationship?

Megan: They don’t approve and it’s heartbreaking. We have to deal with this on a daily basis.

Braeden: Very sad to hear, do you guys have a date set for the wedding?

Megan: We actually do. It is very soon it's in February. So stay tuned.

Braeden: After watching the show, Tyler was accused of being gay Dee Bell, any response to those allegations?

Megan: Why should I respond to those allegations? When she doesn’t have a man or anyone who will love her rotten pussy.

Braeden: Dee any response?

Dee: She needs to address her mother who also thinks he is gay. That’s why she doesn’t approve of him.

Megan: This is coming from the woman, who didn’t even want her son.

Dee: Girl, please. No one wants that punching bag you call a clitoris.

[Shamari takes shoes off]

Paris: Shamari girl your feet are so stank

Sade: Put them dawgs away.

Braeden: Dee Bell, you were a New York Apple who came to plant her seeds in the Hills, but you also had a new face and a new personality to match. Let’s watch [plays footage]

[Sade crunches her face]

Braeden: You had a long process of finding a home, have you found something you like?

Dee: Yes I have. It was so nice to finally be out of the hotel.

Paris: Gotta scrape that money together somehow.

Braeden: Dee, you moved to California and you were still reeling in from the custody battle with your ex-husband, what’s the status of it right now?

Dee: I have full custody. But things seem to not be resolved.

Braeden: What is Orlando up to?

Dee: [stares intensely] I don’t know and I don’t care.

Paris: He’s up to everything but her.

Dee: Well he is my ex for a reason. I don’t double back bitch.

Braeden: During this season, you had “reconstructive surgery” after breaking every bone, but in a deleted scene you revealed you suffered a miscarriage in the process. Are you okay with talking about it?

Sade: Not every bone [cracks up]

Dee: Yes. I’m proud of my face. I can talk about it.

Paris: Every bone? Wouldn’t her face have just caved in?

Shamari: A proud woman keeps what God gave her. Shoutout to Jesus.

Dee: Awww you bitches are mad because you weren’t getting the dick. Take that up with your husbands.

Paris: I get dick every night and he ain’t leaving.

Shamari: Because he gets dick every night too.

Paris: Oh Shamari girl shut up that’s your man running around hunting LA Trade not me.

Dee: I did choose this face. You chose that badly built ass you paid for.

Sade: [sings] She got a light-skin friend look like Michael Jackson, got a dark skin friend look like Michael Jackson.

Dee: Yes and Michael Jackson is paid bitch [stands up and twirls]

Braeden: Paris, you are the self-proclaimed “Queen of Hidden Hills” and said you could never be tamed… Let’s take a look [plays footage]

[Bianca fake sleeps]

Braeden: Rodri from Potomac ask “Paris Why Do you call yourself the Queen, are you trying to compete with Bianca”

Paris: I’m an actual queen. Bianca is a princess. A fake one at that.

Sade: [looks a camera] Hey Rodri!!!!

Bianca: I don’t need to prove myself.

Paris: She thinks slobbing on a royal dick makes her royal, but honey with that tan? Absolutely not.

Bianca: What does a tan have to do with a title?

Paris: And who even cares honestly, this is AMERICA. We don’t have a monarchy here so her little title is null and void.

Braeden: On the show, you spoke about Charles’ Family business ‘Wildwood Brokerage’ and how it’s important for the family. How do you and Charles deal with that?

Paris: I think I am always going to be in Charles' corner when it comes to his business. Real estate has been his life since he was 21, and he has a real passion for it. As his wife it’s my duty to not only support him but make sure he’s enjoying the work. Plus, the money doesn’t hurt.

Braeden: Throughout the season, you talked about your infertility issues can you walk us through the process?

Paris: Yes. So, when I was around 23 years old, I was pregnant and suffered a severe miscarriage. The constant traveling due to my demanding modeling career at the time surely did not help. After the miscarriage, my gyno told me that I could no longer bear children on my own [tears up].

[Sade wraps her arm around Paris]

Paris: It’s not been an easy journey. I’ve always aspired to have kids of my own. But God always has a plan. Thankfully, Charles and I can afford the resources to move forward with other options. So, I want to announce that he and I will be trying for a baby via surrogate.

Braeden: I will you the best on your journey to motherhood.

Megan: I am so happy.

Paris: Thank you. Even when bitches try to destroy you and shame you for your infertility, you can always rise above. [Paris looks at Adrianna]

Braeden: Mrs. Grayson, from music deals to fighting the shade, no amount of pressure had crushed your diamond. Let’s look! [plays footage]

Sade: And can’t

Megan: My girl!

Braeden: We have a lot of questions from the viewers about marriage and wealth. Papa Legba from Chicago asks “Where does your money come from? there’s no way you and Corey make this much money from one little business ?”

Shamari: Come on broken records.

Sade: Well ugly in Chicago, my grandparents were in and still are in agriculture. My parents are oil tycoons. So I always had money. Corey was also well off and in the industry before I met him.

Sade: I know it’s hard for people to accept Black families having money, that’s just too bad.

Braeden: Your music company with Corey, seems to be taking off really well and you signed on our ‘honorary housewife’ Jean Burruss twins. How is the company now and how's your relationship with Jean?

Sade: We signed Dorit and Garcelle. Me and Jean are really good. We work great together, I hope it remains that way.

Shamari: I love Jean. Wonderful mother.

Dee: Jean is amazing.

Braeden: Sadly, Jean couldn't come tonight, but we wish her well. Sade, you and Corey hosted a humongous event at the Staples Center, can you walk us through the process?

Sade: Oh yeah, honestly it wasn’t as difficult as people thought. Corey has a small stake in the Lakers, so it wasn’t hard for him to book that. We had to ask for a few favors as far as performances go. But we pulled it off in the end.

Dee: Corey has the connections.


Braeden: It seemed the ladies had a good time, even the ones you couldn’t stand.

Sade: I honestly don’t know what they thought, but I hope they did.

Shamari: I don’t remember if I was there or not.

Sade: Unfortunately you were. I’m glad they cut your performance too.

Braeden: Adrianna Dakota Ray Mathis, this season you felt the most hated, but at least you weren't the clown… Let’s take a look.

Sade: She wasn’t?

Braeden: Can you explain your relationship with Diddy and Bow Wow?

Adrianna: Diddy was my boyfriend and Bow Wow is nothing more than my baby's father.

Sade: Diddy was helping a ho out.

Paris: He was fronting the bill for that rental home she stayed in. I wonder where she moved to once he stopped supplying her income.

Adrianna: My dad actually got me that house, but you know my life Paris.

Braeden: How does your family feel about your relationship and all the controversy surrounding it?

Adrianna: Honestly I really don’t give a fuck. It’s my life and I don’t value anyone's opinion but Dee actually. Unlike Skinny bitch, the fat bitch, and Megan have their moment.

Sade: Who is fat?

Adrianna: You bitch.

Sade: That’s your prostitute of a mother.

Braeden: Easy ladies, I have to ask Adrianna a hard question.

Braeden: My condolences to you Adrianna, your grandmother passed, I understand it was a difficult time. Can you talk about what happened?

Adrianna: I got a call from my dad and he told me she was killed in a home invasion.

Paris: He set up that hit to pay off the tax liens on those homes.

Bianca: That’s disgusting Paris.

Dee: Vile.

Paris: I don’t give a fuck.

Bianca: You should give a fuck before karma kills off your next kid. That’s disgusting.

Paris: She talked about my inability to have a child! And no one batted a fucking eye. But I'm the bad guy for not giving a shit about her fuck ass granny dying in a hit? Girl fuck her and that bitch. Maybe she’ll be killed.

Braeden: We are not doing this tonight we are moving on. Let’s take a break!

[The ladies adjust their dresses and get some makeup touches]

Braeden: Bianca's ‘Women’s Deliver Charity event kicked off the season and started all the drama.

Braeden: Bianca, did you know that these women were going to act that way at the first event?

Bianca: I wasn’t expecting the severity of the drama and confrontation at my event. But I did know that some of these girls like to cause drama and a spectacle.

Dee: This was my first time meeting some of the ladies and I was appalled. I didn’t really get a chance to introduce myself.

Adrianna: It was the start of hella drama.

Braeden: Big Darnell from San Francisco asks: “Sade why did you come for Bianca at her own event, why didn’t you have any class?

Sade: Bianca started with me, by calling me a plus-size one. And I was one of the few people who had donated.

Dee: I’m pretty sure she said “plus-sized”

Sade: I’m smaller than you Dee, what are you saying?

Dee: Are you? Take the girdle off.

Sade: Girl, you are wearing a bedazzled curtain. Where is your shape?

Braeden: [shifts cards] Uhmmm Okay. Aaliyah from New York asks: “Husky Three, why did you ladies constantly badger Adrianna over her relationship, be grateful you have your own.

Sade: Do you want the real tea Mr. Carter? Cause I got it.

Sade: First off, Adrianna is a lying snake-ass bitch. Our families have known each other for years. She wanted to put on this facade that we were strangers. And prior to filming, she literally ASKED me to feud with her on camera because she thought it would be good for the show.

Braeden: Oh wow!

Sade: When shit got heated, she went low. I didn’t even get a chance to feud with her.

Adrianna: I am not doing this with you.

Paris: Of course, she isn’t. She’s not going to respond with the truth. That’s why I questioned her at the event.

Adrianna: You hoes got in a circle and asked me questions about my relationship.

Paris: Because, I’ve known Diddy since the early 2000s, older than your kids Adrianna.

Adrianna: Paris please, you were sleeping with Diddy too.

Paris: I never slept with no fucking Diddy you bitch.

Adrianna: Also, she didn’t have a miscarriage, she had an abortion.

Paris: Do you have any proof of me having an abortion?

Adrianna: Diddy told me.

Paris: Diddy told you a lot of lies. One is that he “loves you.”

Sade: The same Diddy that you paid to be on here?

Paris: Adrianna had a whole other marriage going on 3 weeks prior to filming starting. A photo was going to leak of her and Diddy being seen out and about on vacation, so she flew home early, filed for divorce, and announced it all to get ahead of the story.

Bianca: I think the girls are giving Adrianna way too much credit. She’s not as calculated as she’s made out to be.

Braeden: Let’s put a pin into this. I don’t think you ladies are trying to move forward.

Braeden: After the disastrous Charity Event, Adrianna you swallowed your pride and invited all of the girls to the house. And played a game of ‘Never Have I Ever”

Braeden: During the game, Everyone confirmed they all had licked a little bit of pussy. Dee, are you interested in licking anyone’s box here?

Dee: Some of these women need Vagisil so no.

Braeden: The game was interrupted when Paris alluded to Adrianna sleeping with a married man. Paris can you tell us why you said that?

Paris: Adrianna loves married men. She gladly assumes the role of the mistress so long as he pays for her shit because she can’t. That’s what she did with her first man before she ditched him for Diddy.

Braeden: When Diddy entered, he basically told Paris to “get out!” And a lot of the viewers felt uncomfortable with a man addressing a woman like that. How do you ladies feel?

Sade: I feel like that was Diddy’s stunt double. He’s never acted like that before.

Paris: I feel like a man should never raise his voice at a woman ever in his life. To say Adrianna loves to mention Charles being gay, Diddy surely was acting like a queen.

Braeden: As the night came to a close, Bianca and Sade exchanged some words that didn’t sit well with Sade. Sade, you called Bianca a “pending racist” in your interview, and what led you to that point?

Sade: I just feel like Bianca makes very inappropriate comments. I didn’t have irrefutable evidence that she is racist, but I have reason to believe she is. Like how she said we were all on food stamps in her confessional.

Braeden: Bianca, do you think that your comments toward Sade or the ladies can be somewhat racially insensitive?

Bianca: They could be interpreted as such but I don’t have a racist bone in my body. When I said they were all on food stamps it was fun shade and Paris was included in that shade.

Braeden: [looks at Bianca] Okay?

Paris: Especially that chocolate and vanilla swirl comment.

Bianca: I don’t remember a chocolate and vanilla swirl comment Paris might be thinking about what she’s ducking off her husband’s dick tonight.

Paris: if anything “swirls” it’s your tan mixing with your husband’s cum.

Braeden: At Megan's House Gala, Adrianna and Paris you both were still reeling in from a disagreement about your relationship with Diddy. But Adrianna made jokes about her fertility can you respond to that?

Adrianna: I just said what I felt!

Paris: You’re a sick cunt! That’s what you are! You ugly bum ass bitch. It should’ve been you instead of granny

Braeden: Dee, how do you all feel about Adrianna making those types of jokes about Paris's infertility?

Dee: I thought it was low and I told her she was wrong.

Braeden: Paris, you hosted an Awareness Event for women with infertility issues. The fans were really touched by your speech. I’m really proud of you. So why did you invite Adrianna, if you only were going to present her with a cease and desist?

Paris: I wanted her to see what I was dealing with and understand what most women go through. It’s not an uncommon thing, so to use that as a read on a public platform you’re damaging more than just me. It’s foul and it’s dirty. But what’s new from the dirty whore?

Adrianna: Oh I understand Paris, but thing is that I just don’t care bitch.

Braeden: After the event, Sade brought the girls over to the house, and we saw a new face walk in. Dee, after your “face swap” what were your expectations from the girls?

Dee: The girls were very nice to me leading up to that event. So I didn’t expect much. However, when I got there, Shamari threw a lot of shade. Megan was downright disrespectful. Paris and Sade seemed to be cool about it.

Braeden: After the ladies voiced their opinions, you alleged that Megan’s fiancé was gay, why did you make that allegation?

Dee: Because the Hills were talking.

Megan: I’m not surprised from a wanted felon.

Braeden: Despite all of the drama spewing between you ladies, Bianca decided she wanted a sisterhood. Well Bianca it seems you didn’t get that!

Bianca decided to serve the ladies authentic Denmark food, what was wrong with the food ladies?

Paris: The food was trash.

Sade: I enjoyed the ice cream. Well before it gave me diarrhea.

Braeden: Bianca, you seemed pissed that no one was into the Denmark cuisine. Why was that?

Bianca: I just felt it was classless. Clearly, these women have never traveled. I was so embarrassed by how immature they acted.

Braeden: Bianca, you were annoyed with Dee and Adrianna because of the dinner at Marchal... Adrianna and Dee, do you think her feelings were valid, or was she being dramatic?

Adrianna: I wasn’t at the dinner. She was just being dramatic.

Dee: Adrianna you didn’t miss anything. Only park animals were being served for dinner.

Sade: Despite us not enjoying the dinner, that was the first time all season we all laughed together. And Adrianna being missing from that makes me wonder.

Braeden: Ladies, what was wrong with the Pigeon dish?

Dee: We can go to New York and catch a pigeon on the street? I don’t eat animals that roam the city.

Bianca: The pigeon was delicious.

Braeden: As Denmark came to an end, Bianca was at odds with nearly everyone in the group. Bianca, you brought your cousin Prince Nikolai of Denmark and the ladies thought he was fake as well. The Big 3 alleged your family was fake and had no royalty ties. Was this your boiling point to quit the show?

Bianca: Absolutely. I had enough. They have bullied me all season. I definitely reached my breaking point. I don't care to be anyone's friend other than Shamari.

Megan: Don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.

Bianca: Use that same door to find a gym, Megan.

Braeden: Minutes before leaving, you made comments about the ladies being a “gang” and it made the ladies uncomfortable again. Would you like to address those comments?

Bianca: No I would not. They acted like a gang, period.

Megan: You need to ask about what your husband is doing.

Bianca: You might want to ask Tyler why he’s at the gay clubs bitch.

Braeden: The trip was over, but the drama was still there. Megan, you decided to confront Dee after her alleging that your fiance was gay. Did you think it would turn into an altercation?

Megan: No I didn’t expect that—

Dee: She needed a moment. But she still flopped and it became Sade’s.

Braeden: Dee, you were very heated during the argument, Megan pushed you, Sade got in the middle, why did you throw the champagne glass?

Dee: Because a bitch will not touch me and think it will go unhandled.

Braeden: Never in the history of reality television, have we had a cast member visually scarred on camera, Sade did you have any regrets about going? Did you want an apology from Dee, because you two never had an issue?

Sade: Never expected an apology from Dee because I knew it wasn’t intentional but the fact that she hasn’t is really disheartening.

Dee: Well Sade, I’m sorry you stepped in the way of something that was not your business. Is that good enough for you?

Sade: No it’s not but I don’t expect anything more from you.

Megan: Dee is clearly unhappy with her messy life right now.

Dee: Divorced, Happy, and Rich Bitch.

Braeden: As time passed, Sade arrive to Shamari’s beach party scarred like Chucky, Dee you thought she was being dramatic, do you still think that?

Dee: Yes. She clearly used Corey’s money to buy a special effects team to make her up like that. Look at her now Scarless.

Shamari: Dee we know your scars haven’t healed since you fucked your face up but sometimes wounds heal love.

Dee: Shamari, you are the ugliest bitch here. Shut up.

Braeden: The party was cut very short when it was revealed Dee had pending charges for assault and battery and possible tax fraud. Dee, can you talk about the charges against you right now?

Dee: Tax fraud? I have assault and battery charges. But let’s be clear, the IRS is always paid.

Braeden: Sade, you invited Dee to your Staple Center Event and the dinner, did you know it was going to left once again?

Sade: No I did not. Had I known, some people would’ve been left uninvited.

Dee: I tried to be peaceful, but she wanted to milk those fake ass injuries. And her chihuahua Megan decided to keep barking.

Sade: You hit me with the glass, correct?

Dee: You stepped in front of flying glass.

Braeden: Also, Sade you invited your friend Eliza and Paris alleged she was homeless and 'coked up!" Paris any response to those allegations?

Paris: She’s definitely on something.

Dee: She seemed kind of shady. Or weird.

Paris: Eliza is weird at the end of the day.

Megan: What’s the issue between you two?

Paris: Eliza and I go way back. She’s such a loser, anything for a come up really. I just really don’t mess with her.

Braeden: Megan and Dee exchanged more toxic words about each other and Dee you wanted to hit her and Producer Peaches had to escort you out.

Dee: I should’ve hit her honestly. She has too much mouth for a bitch still getting ass-whooping from her mother.

Megan: I wish you would have hit me. I could have sued you, but I didn’t want to take your house.

Braeden: Dee do you feel that you could possibly suffer from anger management?

Dee: No I do not. I match the energy these dusty bitches give me.

Braeden: Lastly, at that event, Adrianna gifted Paris a hard-boiled egg out of her purse... The Big 3 what did you think of this 'gag'

Sade: I think everything Adrianna does is calculated and tacky. The gag fell flat. Who walks around with a smelly egg? She’s just a loser bitch.

Paris: It wasn’t a gag. Adrianna gave me her leftovers from dinner the night before.

Braeden: I hope after this season, you ladies can come together and have a sisterhood. Have respect for one another.

Sade: Can I address Shamari?

Sade: I really thought we were friends until I see you let the fake-ass Princess get in your head about signing with Corey and me. I hope you enjoy your album when it goes triple plastic.

Shamari: Quadruple Plastic actually. [holds up album cover] In stores now. [walks like an egyptian]

[Bianca dances with Shamari]

Braeden: To close the season and reunion out, what is one thing you want from this 'sisterhood' or group of women? Sade you first.

Sade: F**k the rest of the flops on that couch. Sisterhood my ass.

Braeden: Shamari?

Shamari: [starts to tear up] I want to uplift my sisters. We’ve been through so much.

Dee: Cut the shit Mari.

Braeden: Princess Bianca?

Bianca: Bianca: I agree with Sade, I want nothing from anyone. I will be focusing on what's important. My family and career.

Braeden: Paris?

Paris: I just want these dusty bitches to stop going so low. It’s disgusting and sick. Seek help if you can, and if you can’t, get out of my face.

Braeden: Adrianna?

Adrianna: I’m good. Nothing will change in this group.

Braeden: Megan?

Megan: Accountability.

Braeden: Dee?

Dee: I just have one thing to say. I’m done with these rust-ass bitches. [flicks girls off, gets up, and walks off set]


Braeden: Well ladies, that's a wrap on The Legendary Housewives of Hidden Hills Season One Reunion ... Ladies take a bow

[Producer Clara rushes onstage]

Producer: Sade, come on Corey needs you now!

[Sade looks confused and runs off stage with Producer Clara]


[Police arrive at Dee Bell’s dressing room and place her in handcuffs]





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